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Camarillo State Mental Hospital 1936-1997

California State University at Channel Islands 2002-current

CSMH was an asylum that really existed. The article Zoe & Baxter come across contains all factual information, except the bit about Dr. Clock. It is even rumored that the Eagles song, Hotel California, is about a friend who had to stay there for a time. Check out the N’Sync music video I Drive Myself Crazy to see it on screen. 


Out of all the locations in this novel, this is my favorite. Mostly because I actually went to school at Cal State Channel Islands, right when it opened, and got to experience the ghostly vibe it had before it became a popular university. The campus and the feel of it stuck with me. 


Driving into the campus was something special too. I remember University Drive curving around, going through orange groves, just like Baxter & Zoe did. And yes, the trees canopied over the entrance and you had to drive over a wooden bridge, but I sadly that’s gone now, replaced with concrete and less trees. But back then, it opened up to this valley-like clearing. All I could was stare at the Spanish architecture with red tile roofs and white stucco against the backdrop of a hill. Very serene. 


I remember walking down one of the renovated hallways, by myself, of course, and was heading to a back parking lot. But to get there, I had to cross into the wing that was not renovated yet. As soon as I crossed where the new and old part met, a cold chill wrapped around me and I felt like I stepped back in time. Needless to say, I was spooked, and got out of there real fast. 


I know there has been a lot of growth on the campus. I probably couldn’t even remember what buildings I used to go to because it has transformed so much and looks like a proper university campus. But in 2002, it was chilling--a perfect place for ghosts and all things creepy. 


I loved every minute of it.

Zoe's House

Not a real location, but heavily influenced by a real location. 

Zoe lives on Vermont Ave, which is the longest N-S street in Los Angeles that starts in Griffith Observatory in Los Feliz and goes all the way past USC, to San Pedro.

Zoe lives in Los Feliz near Aberdeen and Vermont in a Mediterranean mansion. The Greek Theater, an outdoor amphitheater is within walking distance. Several celebrities have made this area home. There are even some famous homes, including one built by Frank Lloyd Wright (The Ennis House), which was featured in Karate Kid 3. The Hollywood Sign is not too far from her home either.
Zoe’s home features a mermaid bronze sculpture created by Kathy Spalding, who was an artist that depicted a lot of aquatic animals. Sadly she passed away in 2014, but this statue is what inspired me to write a story about a mermaid. 

Baxter's House

Like Zoe, Baxter’s house is not real. He lives off Mulholland Drive, a famous street that snakes it way through the Santa Monica Mountains. Many celebrities have made their home in this area due the scenic locations. Baxter’s house is influenced by California’s mid-century modern homes


Channel Islands

The Channel Islands are a National Park and is made up of the following islands: Santa Cruz, Anacapa, Santa Rosa, San Barbara, and San Miguel. These islands are the remnants of an ancient landmass, Santa Rosae. The wreck of the Winfield Scott, actually rests near Anacapa, as so do other tragic wreckages including old war planes. I have a terrible fear of flying, and my heart always goes out to those who suffered in plane crashes. Sadly, in January of 2000, Alaskan Airline Flight 261 crashed near Anacapa, killing all 88 on board, may they all rest in peace with the beautiful ecosystem and the mermaids.

Catalina Island

Catalina Island is very different than the Channel Islands, as that people are allowed to live here, but they are also known for their flora and fauna. The circular art deco structure in Avalon is iconic.

Santa Monica Pier

Santa Monica Pier is iconic. And filled with crowds of people. The famous Route 66 ends on the pier, which happens to be where Baxter sees Sterling alive for the first time in over one hundred years. 

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Other Sites

University of Southern California is a private university in Los Angeles known for its cinematic studies, a place I always wanted attend, but couldn’t afford. Baxter teaches in Taper Hall, but his office is inside the Social Sciences building, which has a sunken courtyard. 


Marina del Rey Marina is where Baxter docks his power cruiser, and isn’t too far from their homes and Santa Monica Pier, which is why they tend to go there. The breakwater is where they crash into Aislinn’s boat and cause a ruckus. 


Neptune’s Net, a seafood restaurant, has been on the Pacific Coast Highway (Interstate 1) between Santa Monica and Malibu since 1956. It has been featured in some films, including Fast and the Furious. The parking lot is situated so that Zoe & Baxter can watch for the red truck chasing after them.



The Pit at Venice Beach was an area filled with concrete, which both skaters and graffiti artists loved. It was torn down in 2000 in an effort to clean up the area and make an actual skate park. Many movies have been filmed around Venice Beach, but

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